A review by linneahedvig
Mistwood by Leah Cypess


The main thing that held me back from getting into this book was that the protagonist wasn't really human, or at least, her humanity was fuzzy. She/It is introduced as this mystical force called the "Shifter" (ooooo) that has only one purpose--to protect the king (boring...). So the king goes to the Mistwood and gets the Shifter and brings her back to the castle and then she's all like "I'm not sure what I am or what I'm supposed to do, but I can't tell the king that because he thinks I'm the best weapon ever." Anyway, so mystical force that doesn't know what to do--should have been intriguing, but none of the characters was really compelling enough to make it work for me. The book was only 300 pages so I plowed through the first hundred or so until I was caught up in the story enough to make it fun to read. It was an experience a lot like [b:Graceling|3236307|Graceling (The Seven Kingdoms Trilogy, #1)|Kristin Cashore|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255623835s/3236307.jpg|3270810]--female killing machine, vaguely interesting characters, good plot, but not much to flesh it out.