A review by jessiereads15
The Saviors: Part Two by Ames Mills


It literally KILLS me to give an Ames Mills book anything less than a four. She might follow a script with each duet, and she may be in desperate need of a (better) editor, but I have loved everything she has put out SO MUCH. Since this is the fourth duet in the same universe, following the same prescriptive plot, there was no way this would get over 4 stars. So why does this have only three?!

Without the spoiler... the "plot twist" that she was so proud of is why I took a star away.

With the spoiler...
Spoiler The fact that any of them would believe that Sean was a plant is insulting and ridiculous. Charlie had already tried to convince Axel that Cole was the leak, and Axel quickly put that aside, but he was willing to immediately believe that sweet Sean was the leak, just because the bad guys said so. I could not contain my eye roll.

Overall though, I still love Ames Mills. I am not sure how she writes characters that are just so dang loveable, but I did really enjoy the Forest Grove crew. That being said, my favorite moments were still whenever Gage or Caden popped up. I love those troublemakers so much.

I would still recommend this duet, but I hope that she leaves this universe behind soon because it is starting to get repetitive. I'll still read anything she publishes, but too much of a good thing will lose its appeal eventually.