A review by simonlorden
Not So Stories by Nikesh Shukla, Achala Upendran, Woodrow Phoenix, David Thomas Moore, Zedeck Siew, Wayne Santos, Paul Krueger, Joseph Elliott-Coleman, Tauriq Moosa, Zina Hutton, Cassandra Khaw, Ali Nouraei, Adiwijaya Iskandar, Raymond Gates, Stewart Hotston, Jeannette Ng, Joseph Watson, Georgina Kamsika


Read on my blog.

I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

“Because every day of freedom is a small act of victory against those who would rob you of it.”

Not So Stories is a response to [b:Just So Stories|34053|Just So Stories|Rudyard Kipling|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1389064718s/34053.jpg|2475078] by Rudyard Kipling that I confess I have never read, but according to the blurb, it’s a book rooted in British colonialism. Even without knowing this information, it is clear that the stories in Not So Stories are all against the different aspects of colonialism, explotiation and racism. While I sometimes felt like I lacked context for the stories, I still enjoyed reading them.

I’m not going to write an individual review for every story, but I’m going to list my favourites from the collection:

🐈 queen by joseph e. cole (this is the one the quote I started with is from)

🐈 best beloved by wayne santos

🐈 saṃsāra by georgina kamsika

🐈 the cat who walked by herself by achala upendran

🐈 how the simurgh won her tail by ali nouraei

🐈 how the camel got her paid time off by paul krueger

My rating: 🐪🐪🐪🐪/5.