A review by raven168
Bite Me: A Vampire Anthology by Livia Bourne, Sara Fields, Anita Gray, Alta Hensley, Zoe Blake, Eris Adderly, Cassandra Faye, Addison Cain, Myra Danvers


This was really hard for me to rate. Many of the stories bored me, but some of them I loved. I tend to stay away from anthologies because they're usually novellas or prequels to series I've never heard of, but I just had to check this one out. Dark vampire stories? Sign me up! Was it worth the $7? I'd have to say probably not. Worth reading though? For sure. There's darkness, incredible heat, and violence. Such a wonderful combination. Oh, and of course the vampires. I love me these dominating blood suckers.

Cathedral by Addison Cain
Didn't enjoy at all. Was bored out of my mind and just didn't get into the story. Plus I really think it was more of a teaser to the first book of a series because the end came up feeling like it was the middle of a chapter.

Till the End of Time by Zoe Blake
This was such a twisted Dracula tale. Disturbing on so many levels. But damn, it was entertaining.

Master of Ceremonies by Alta Hensley
I enjoyed this one. The thrall of vampires can be so wickedly delightful. Until they tear your throat out.

Enthralled by Myra Danvers
This one was....brutal. So much depravity going on here and oh so disgusting at times. Hard to decide where to stand on this. At least it was never boring.

V is for Vampire by Eris Adderly
This one was interesting because it made me have questions that I wanted answers to. Definitely an interesting world built here between humans above and vampires below with so many lies in between.

Blinding Salvation by Livia Bourne
This one was probably my favorite. So much so that I actually took note of this author's name so when the main series comes out next year I will remember to look for it. The characters were great and the set up of this world has me hooked to know what will happen now that this powerful vampire is free and out for revenge.

The Devils Game by Sara Fields
Also one of my favorites in this collection. I enjoyed reading about what Cain put Ruby thru to get the outcome he wanted. I did think the ending was a little off though.

To my end by Anita Grey
This one was boring as hell and I couldn't stand the female mc. Talk about fucking stupid. So if nothing else, the ending pleased me.

Sweet Ruin by Cassandra Faye
This one was good. I liked everything from the curse to his vampire powers. All things considered, the girl gave in quite easily in the end....but that's something I've learned to expect any time "fated mates" shows up in a story.