A review by nietzschesghost
Into the Jungle: Stories for Mowgli by Katherine Rundell


Not only is this a book that introduces children to the wonderful world of 'The Jungle Book', it can easily be enjoyed by adults too. Katherine Rundell has provided a prequel and companion to Rudyard Kipling's classic novel which is loved by so many and by doing so manages to put her own individual stamp on the characters, from bear Baloo and Bengal tiger, Shere Khan to Indian rock python Kaa and Black panther Bagheera, Rundell tells us how they came to develop the personality traits we see in both the books and the film. Some characters play a greater role in this book than in the original, some a lesser one. Female characters such as Mother Wolf are given a more prominent role in man-cub Mowgli's upbringing.

I imagine it's a very daunting task writing a book so heavily influenced and reliant on an already established story and cast of characters but Rundell has done a fantastic job. Her writing is vivid and every description transports you to the jungle. She has managed to recreate the atmosphere from the original and successfully added her own spin on things. There are also some important moral messages within these stories on family, friendship, loyalty, honesty and good triumphing over evil, just as there were in the original. Rundell has also updated the moral aspect to include more contemporary themes, including understanding and empathy across species, cultures, and genders.

When 'The Jungle Book' was first published back in 1894 (by Macmillan coincidentally) who knew it would have such an enduring legacy? Rundell's backstory is a fitting tribute to a story that is now nearly 125 years old. Although the accompanying artwork of Kristjana S. Williams is only sampled here (presumably to make it readable via Kindle) it complemented the stories beautifully. I have pre-ordered a copy for my bookshelf as I feel that this is one of those books that will be a pleasure to pick up over and over and superior in physical form than reading it via Kindle or the like. I have no hesitation in recommending this and am positive that children will be delighted to read about the characters formative years.

Many thanks to Macmillan Children's Books for an ARC. I was not required to post a review and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.