A review by carleneinspired
The Hustle by Elizabeth Roderick


3.75 Stars
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

Liria is ready to leave her old life behind, she doesn't want to walk in her mother's footsteps anymore and she's sure Cyril is the answer to her problems. When Cyril reveals he's not her dad and wants more than a familial relationship with her Liria goes back out to the streets, leaning on friendly strangers to make it through the days. The strangers she meets though aren't all tied to friendly characters and Liria is exposed to a world darker than that she left behind, filled with more drugs, sex, stripping, murder, money, guns, and people willing to use you to get farther. There's a bright spot though, beautiful Arty makes her feel again, but she also may be tied in to all the darkness she's drowning in. Is Arty there to save her or to use her too?

Liria is desperate; desperate for a place to stay, desperate to get rid of the feeling heroine leaves her with, and desperate for the feeling of love she isn't sure she believes in. As she attempts to take control of her life we watch her tale follow a path most unexpected. Liria is the kind of character you will love or hate, you want so much success for her, but her common sense is seriously lacking. Reading from her perspective was almost unreliable, the things happening to her just seemed crazy, but what more can you expect for a girl down on her luck and unsure of herself. As she clings to any hope of friendship I definitely gained a lot of sympathy for her, especially as a string of characters enter her life bringing both good and bad. I loved the secondary characters and Liria's interactions with them, Elizabeth Roderick did a great job of writing characters who want out of their lifestyles, who don't want others in it either, but are still fighting their way through the system they are stuck in. It's a unique camaraderie that I think takes a lot of research and skill to write, so I was incredible impressed with how The Hustle read. I easily placed myself in every character's shoes, from those desperate for their next hit and their next sexual connection to those hoping someone else will bring in the money for them, leaving them out of harms way.

The Hustle is the kind of book with a slow build, even though Liria's life is changing daily. As things progress from bad to go to worse we are slowly sunk into a world of drugs, money, murder, cover ups and more that takes reading the entire novel to get yourself to fresh air again. While the overarching plot was a bit unbelievable, I found myself still picturing every scene and unable to look away from the downward spiral Liria was caught in. The big twist almost had me quitting, it's a doozy, but I am so glad I stuck it out to watch how it all played out. I think readers will find themselves overwhelmed by the dark nature of Liria's life, but will continue to read with desperation to see how her roller coaster of a life plays out.

The Hustle is a darker story, weaving between the twisting reality of Liria's life and the foreshadowing of her dreams. This compelling tale might gut you, make you feel, and at times creep you out, but you won't be able to put it down.