A review by jadeevans
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare


‘Jace is now a servant of evil, bound for all eternity to Sebastian. Only a small band of Shadowhunters believe he can be saved. To do this, they must defy the Clave. And they must act without Clary. For Clary is playing a dangerous game utterly alone. The price of losing is not just her own life, but Jace’s soul’.

This book was almost four stars but the final two chapters and that damn epilogue is what pushed me to change my mind.

Can I just start by saying, that there was absolutely NO NEED for that scene in the epilogue between Alec and Magnus, like, what the ACTUAL hell are they playing at! Everything is fine though, I don’t actually need my heart.

This is the first book in The Mortal Instruments series that made me cry and believe me, I bawled my eyes out, it’s not even funny. You’ve probably already guessed who/what made me cry, that’s right, Malec. Again, there was NO NEED! Does Cassandra Clare realise that those few scenes ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped so damn hard on it.

Lets move away from Malec, we don’t deserve that heartache.

I liked how this books was focused around the whole two side of Jace story line and believe it or not, this is the book that pushed me and now I am so in love with Jace and Clary’s relationship. I think it’s amazing how, in the last book, I couldn’t stand them being together but this book has shown me that they both love each other, no matter what gets thrown their way, and I appreciate that so much.

Another thing that I really liked, well, loved, about this book was the progress of Simon and Isabelle’s relationship, I’ve wanted them to be together from the very beginning and it’s finally becoming true. Slowly, but hopefully surely. I like that they are also becoming more important to the story and stronger characters in the books. I feel that, in the last four books, Simon hasn’t really been relevant, except for his whole vampire story line and I appreciate the fact that the Shadowhunters, and Magnus, are beginning to accept him as part of their circle – not Circle!

This book had me starting to like Sebastian/Johnathan for a while but then I was like, nope, NEVERMIND!

I’m sorry that this review is all over the place, it’s just my head is too, but we’re back to Malec again. I’d been hoping and wishing for so long that we were going to get more Malec scenes, which we did, and I’m grateful, but sh*t, why did we have to have that scene in the epilogue, it was so unnecessarily necessary, like, I knew it was needed, but we didn’t have to read it! My head is honestly all over the place trying to talk about this bloody scene!! I meas, we had that scene where Alec was worrying for Magnus’s life to that heart wrenching scene.

In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not doing too well because of that scene.

We went from Alec being amazing, standing on top of the tomb, shooting his arrows with such precision to a mess of a person with shaking hands who literally falls to the floor with shock. I know that he thought he was doing the right thing at first but just like Magnus said, it was not his choice to make, which he eventually realised but it was too late.

Aku cinta kamu, Alec.

Aku cinta kamu, Magnus.

I wanted to wait to read City of Heavenly Fire but now, I just don’t think I can wait. But I still want too. But I need to know what is wrong with Magnus, and how Alec is going to be, and Jace too. Also, if Simon and Izzy finally get together. There are just so many unanswered things!