A review by adamchalmers
Accelerando by Charles Stross


I read this in high school and liked it, but a lot went over my head. Reread it at the end of my degree, and oh boy do I like it a lot more now.

A lot of the plot points revolve around stuff I'm only just starting to see discussed in my little corner of the SSC/LW/MIRI/CFAR-sphere: autonomous corporations, ascended economies, the Moloch-style race-to-the-bottom which ends in removing the consciousness of ems, etc. If you've read Slate Star Codex or Overcoming Bias or Less Wrong, you'll probably love the ideas in this book.

This book starts off with a call from uploaded KGB lobster AIs and only gets crazier from there. Every third sentence seems to have an idea that could take a whole novel to unpack. Reading this feels like injecting future shock straight into my neocortex.

Would recommend.