A review by hannahsophialin
Escapement by Ciara Knight


I have at least one, really helpful suggestion for Ms. Knight in regards to The Neumarian Chronicles: A guide to everything – well, almost everything – used in the Neumarian Chronicles.

Escapement certainly shows promise – it's different from other dystopians. The book literally goes into the meat of things from page one, and us readers aren't reading the first few pages of happy-happy world. Other dystopians like Divergent literally wait until a good chunk of the book (okay, Divergent was good. The sequels sucked. The end.).

Escapement, on the other hand, literally shows that life sucks and a rebellion is already on the rise. I feel as though I'm reading the second book and missed something from a really short first book or prequel. We have Princess Semara Valderak turning sixteen and having to sacrifice a Neumarian in order to become a part of the ruling council. However, not only does she spill something she did wrong several years ago, powers that she shouldn't have appear as well. Talk about a one way ticket to a sucky life unless she decides to run away.

But back to what I said earlier: I really think if Knight actually made a guide with pictures and diagrams, I would have understood the Neumarian world better. I would have understood what some of the words the Neumarians used (it certainly wasn't English!), the numerous creatures that appear, etc. I mean, what do these mean?

~ Neuki budala – Does this have something to do with nuclears and Buddhas? I don't think Buddha-shaped nukes is a good thing. Plus, I think I did some offending by saying that. Oops.
~ Prokleto čudovišta! – Is this Polish?
~ Po ǵavolite – Based on the sentence it was used in, I literally think this means, WTF? (Pardon my language.) And... I had a very crude comment. Someone zip up my fingers (because I'm typing) before I do something I deeply regret.

Not to sound really mean, but without a guide, it feels like the words and terms were just thrown about and around. Plus since I'm that one weirdo who likes to know details and specifics, it does NOT go well if I don't understand. Even though technically, I really suck at explaining. I'm good at showing how to do things, but one cannot simply walk up to the author, shake them, and say, "I DEMAND a guide."

It's rude. But speaking of the language, even the English felt really weird. I only let it brush by because I think Knight only wanted to distinguish the lower classes from the upper classes.

What I really enjoyed Escapement was Raeth Arteres as a character. She's such a strong person, despite what happened to her in the past. Plus that ball she carries with her all the time and the way she checks out every so often? It's as though she's completely carefree yet aware of her surroundings at the same time. Among all the seriousness and whatnot of the other characters and the craziness of what’s going on in the story, Raeth just seems to make the light of things without actually doing much of anything.

However much The Neumarian Chronicles seems to have a great idea and concept planned, I just feel like the book isn’t exactly my type – the language being used by the Neumarians and the writing just isn’t the type for a person who prefers details and explanations (not too detailed. Just enough so I get the idea and meaning.).
Original Review posted at Bookwyrming Thoughts