A review by allesum
The Dream Gatherer by Kristen Britain


Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

I don’t generally read or enjoy short stories or novellas but decided to give this a go because it is one of my all time favorite series. As a whole the stories were alright, but I miss the detail and character and plot development that you get with full novels. I also wasn’t a huge fan of the Linked story because it was completely unrelated to the GR world. The fact that Estral told it to Karigan was...eh.

In Wishwind, Rider Danalong heals his body and mind following the Long War with help from the interesting character, Marin. I really loved Marin and wouldn’t object to hearing more about her in future GR books.

The Dream Gatherer I did enjoy but different reasons than I anticipated. I re-read The Green Rider a few months ago so the Berry sisters were fresh in my memory. I had hoped that the seven chimneys story would shed some light on the sisters’ eccentric background and the magical artifacts. I was unprepared for a new pirate character and for Estral to be the protagonist. The first I enjoyed and the second was...eh. ( I’m realizing that I must not care for Estral very much.). One event of the party that the Berry sister host concerning the boat figurehead was really exciting.

The book as a whole seemed to be a bit whimsical and dreamlike in keeping with the theme of the Berry sisters party. It neither added to or detracted from the GR series.