A review by autumnxdays
Lady Be Good by Meredith Duran


This was more like a 3.5 for me. I liked it more than [b:That Scandalous Summer|14822924|That Scandalous Summer (Rules for the Reckless, #1)|Meredith Duran|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1364942113s/14822924.jpg|20476452] but not as much as [b:Fool Me Twice|18143986|Fool Me Twice (Rules for the Reckless, #2)|Meredith Duran|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1379585048s/18143986.jpg|25491311].

It took me a while to get into. The first couple of chapters didn't really pull me in and I was quite happy to put the book down and not go back to it for a few days, I really enjoyed the middle and then the end... I'm not sure whether I was disappointed or happy or what.

Really looking forward to the next book - I'm hoping it turns out more like Fool Me Twice and every other book is REALLY REALLY GOOD.