A review by readingwithkelsey
Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare


Despite it having a weirdly slow start, I ended up really enjoying this one. The plot had everything I have come to expect for a good slasher: small town with some seedy residents, idiotic and oblivious teenagers, a killer with an interesting motivation and a new girl who ends up dealing with the consequences of the town and becoming a final girl. It was fun and campy and exactly what I wanted to read - plus having a clown killer added an additional spooky factor for someone afraid of the red-nose joker (me). But what really surprised me was the amount of gore! Cesare was not afraid to have the stabbiest killer with a really interesting motive. It was a fun twist on classic slasher motivations which I enjoyed. I didn't think I would need to read a sequel when I had first jumped into the book, but now that I'm done, I'm definitely interested to see how this goes.