A review by alexandraidonea
The Floating Admiral by John Rhode, Clemence Dane, Dorothy L. Sayers, David Timson, Anthony Berkeley, Agatha Christie, The Detection Club, Simon Brett, Ronald Knox, G. D. H. Cole, G.K. Chesterton, Henry Wade, Edgar Jepson, Milward Kennedy, Margaret Cole, Victor L. Whitechurch, Freeman Wills Crofts


As someone who reads a good deal of classic mystery, I was delighted beyond expectation by this. As a writer, I beg to differ with a lot of reviewers that the storyline is too confusing or changes too much every chapter as the author changes. Does our main detective have a few different quirks of speech depending on the author? Yes. I took this as perhaps only a writer would - that in addressing different suspects, our detective might sometimes use different language or adjust his colloquialisms. Here’s what I will say without giving anything away: I felt like the characters made sense to me; I loved learning more and more about our detective’s personality as the world around him and his inner ruminations both grew, and I was very pleased that the ending was not rushed, as I feel that many many endings to mysteries are. I wish there were more than two other volumes by the Detection Club - and I can see myself buying and revisiting this one, that’s how much I enjoyed it.