A review by thebusybookmom
Ruthless Kings by Laura Lee


SO many theories, questions, and thoughts!!!! Where do I even begin??

This book picks up right where the first book left off. The good news is that we get answers right from the first page. The bad news......... we don't get a lot of answers in this book to help guide us to the answers. I love when I am left guessing, and the answers are not obvious in a book. That means (to me) the writer has definitely taken the time to think about how to keep the reader's interest from the first page to the last.

Jazz and Kingston use the majority of the book working on growing and evolving their relationship from the toxic back and forth they have in the first book. There is a unity between Jazz, Ainsley, and the guys. They realize there may be a conman enemy, and it might be wise to start working together instead of against each other. There are some really HOT scenes in this book!!!! Start the series today if you haven't!

PS The book does end on a cliff hanger, but I am definitely a fan of starting the series and waiting for the last book!