A review by rosereads_books
You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle

Did not finish book. Stopped at 49%.
 I absolutely can't do this to myself. This book is H U G E disappointment to me. The premise sounded good, but I can't do it. It feels to me it tried to be what The Hating Game is (which I absolutely adore), but took way way way too far. (stealing someone else's dog to make your s/o mad? sending potentially poisonous flowers to your partner? forcing someone to move in a house ''because they don't have the means to stay where they actually live'' all without a warning? NOPE)

I guess I can see why it's so well-liked (I did cackled a few times over their banter, and the characters are big big over-the-top caricatures) but this relationship is just plain abusive to me. At this point I don't root for them to get back to loving each other, I just want them to leave each other and never get in contact again.