A review by mairaculi
Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier

adventurous dark


I didn't love it. It's a very atmospheric novel and I liked the setting on the moors. It was also engaging and never boring.

But it felt a bit staged. I got this 'story by recipe' feeling from this book: Take all your ingredients (strong female lead, rough nature setting, dark November night, a mysterious old house, bad guys, handsome stranger,...) mix them together and your sure to end up with a great story. But it didn't work out for me, it was too obvious.

What didn't help was that I didn't get Mary's character. Her 'I don't need a man' attitude didn't go well with her 'I can't because I'm a woman' mindset and what especially irked me was the 'he kissed me once therefore I now belong to him' logic - not romantic to me. The love story was not convincing. Her love interest didn't feel at all like the 'mysterious stranger' I was promised. The mystery itself also didn't feel very mysterious to me and while I didn't see it coming I was not surprised but rather disappointed with the twist at the end, especially with how stereotypical the character in question had been portrayed.

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