A review by loverofromance
Sins of a Wicked Duke by Sophie Jordan


Fallon lost her father when she was a girl and has blamed the family that sent her father to his death ever since. She was sent to a school for girl where she learned much but was abused often with little to eat and where she found her two closest friends. Now she is an adult but life hasn't changed that much. She still wants a home for herself. She has had a hard time trying to find a stable job where she doesn't end up being fondled and almost forced into a man's bed against her will. So Fallon is desperate to escape her situation and figures out that if she poses as a male servant, circumstances will be a lot different for her. So she ends up being a footman for Dominic Hale. Dominic is exactly the type of man she wants to avoid being near. With a variety of women always in his bedchamber, she wonders how he can be so wicked yet temptation. Dominic used to have purpose and meaning in his life, trying to help young children. However now he has returned to England and he just exists in his life, never really living. Not until he meets Fallon. When a strange footman comes to work for him, there is something different about him, he just doesn't know what. Then one evening, while he was drunk, he finds a woman in his bed that makes him feel more alive than he has felt in years. He just doesn't know that the woman that can change his life works for him posing as a man. When the truth comes out Fallon will realize that she would never love anyone as much as she loves Dominic who may be wicked but she just aches to reach his heart...I have only read one book previous to this one by this author, and I wonder why I haven't read more of her before now. I really should be banging my head against a lamp or something for being such a idiot LOL It has been a while since I have read a book that totally won my heart over and was such a page turner I had it read in one morning when I thought it might take a whole day to read it. It has been quite a while since I have read a book so quick and been so engrossed into a story I forgot the time. Before I realized it, the book was over, and even though it left me fully satisfied as if I had feasted on a meal at Thanksgiving, but I also wanted more, it ended way too soon for me. I loved how this story play out...its a very unique style of plot and story line. Its been almost forever since I have read a story of a woman posing as a man (in the historical genre). Either its not very common any more, or I just haven't been reading those books LOL Maybe a bit of both. It starts out with seeing Fallon as a little girl and it made my heart just reach out to her instantly and to her friends. Fallon has alot of spirit in her, but she also has a standard for herself, and refuses to accept less than a marriage before she goes into bed with a man. I admired her tenacity and will, and she tended to be quite creative at times. Now Dominic is the type that I see is just wasting his life away in drinking, gambling and in women. At first I had a hard time liking him, but he grew on me the more and more the story progressed. We see him change into someone that wants to live for a purpose and enjoyed seeing these two clash against each other. And when the truth comes out that she is a woman----magnifiscently done in that scene. There were so many little scenes that I enjoyed and just got a kick out of them. I just love Jordan's style, there is a sense of fun and playfulness between the couple, and the little things between them that only made their story that much sweeter. Overall a sweet and tantalizing story of love and sensuality that in perfectly blended into a truly wonderful story. It tended to constantly pull at my heartstrings and left me breathless until the very end!!! DEFINITELY a read you don't want to miss out on or this author!!! LOVED IT!!

Favorite Quote
"My life is not half lived. I've lived plenty. No coddled existence, to be sure. And I've seen my share of truly wicked--"
"is that so?" He moved across the carriage, dropping down beside her. "And what would truly wicked be?"
Gripping her chin, he turned her face to him and breathed in the chocolaty hint of her breath.
"Like kissing a man in a moving carriage in the middle of the day? Would that qualify?"