A review by bookish_ginger83
1066: What Fates Impose by G.K. Holloway


Admittedly I don’t know a lot about royalty in England. I remember some brief things that were covered back when I was in school and I have watched shows like the Tudors so I have a basic grasp. I went into this book curious about what problems that royalty face. I mean we always think people with a lot of money (like celebs) must not have many problems. After all they are rich what else could there be? The answer to that is PLENTY!

There is all sorts of drama around personal lives and ruling a country (no thank you). There is pressure to make decisions as far as wars and how a country will keep on surviving as well as producing an heir to the throne. There are sicknesses that many people die from etc.

I was so engrossed in this book. I felt like I was watching these events from 1066 happening in 2018 right in front of me.