A review by toad_maiden
Miss Hickory by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey


It's too bad that this wasn't better written, because there are some truly charming aspects of this book that could have actually gotten it four stars! As it is, this is an "A for effort, C for execution" sort of story. As a fantasy, it is top-notch--I know that Miss Hickory's world of birds' nests, moss caps, and chipmunks would have absolutely enchanted me as a child, and still does to a certain degree.

However, these elements do not make up for the sloppy writing. The biggest irritation for me was the structure; I enjoy books with an episodic structure like this one, but several of these chapters ended in odd places that left me wondering whether my copy was missing pages (it wasn't). The lack of resolve this created left a bad taste in my mouth. There were also some odd stylistic quirks on Bailey's part that made me think she could have done with a better editor; mixed metaphors, confusing descriptions, etc.

These flaws would not keep me from recommending this book wholeheartedly to the children in my life; they are quick to overlook and forgive the quirks that make grown-up readers peevish. The message presented here is beautiful and the theme of personal growth is treated well--and the fantasy elements are so darling, that I couldn't help but enjoy this, despite its flaws.