A review by laiabrary
When Gracie Met The Grump by Mariana Zapata


Note: this review was changed following my second read of this book

“Gracie, do you think there’s a future for you without me in it? Do you really think there’s a future for me without you in it?”

Henry Cav- Alex is hot. (One thing to know about me: I will always picture Henry Cavill as the superhero)

I was so scared I wouldn’t like this because it has mild science fiction elements and I hence didn’t hold much hope thinking that it isn’t MZ’s field but she made it work! It was definitely very much her style still. The queen of slow burn. This cements her as one of my favourite authors.

As per usual, MZ writes very “modernly” for lack of a better word, she doesn’t shy away from cursing. She doesn’t have a lyrical or poetic writing, but her writing is so…normal that I just love her books for it. Update: after my reread, I realised how repetitive MZ’s writing actually is. In the past I didn’t use to be bothered by writing, so long as the story was entertaining. Nowadays, however, I find myself craving beautiful and impactful writing, which MZ as an author definitely has not. That said, the story was still entertaining, but this time the writing did hinder my enjoyment of it.

“But so we’re clear, you being upset about something is important to me. Just as important as saving people from a nuclear meltdown.”
”Just as?”
”More. What’s wrong?”

“All those things I promised I’d never do, wouldn’t mean shit to me if it came down to you or anyone we made together in the future.”

“It hurts my feelings that I’m right here, that you’re right there, and you still think that you’re ever going to be alone again.”

“You’re not alone anymore, Gracie.”