A review by noolna
Miss Mayhem by Rachel Hawkins


Y’all don’t even know how much it hurts me to rate this two stars. I loved Rebel Belle, you guys. It was Southern and sassy and our leading lady’s name was Harper, I mean … what’s more to love? I was expecting the same thing after Miss Mayhem was released, and honestly I was confused with basically all of it. All of the charm that Rebel Belle had did not appear in Miss Mayhem.

I basically fell in love with Rebel Belle because of Harper’s and David’s relationship. There was a lot of UST and sass (so much sass!! I am all about the sass *flips hair*) so obviously, I am on that boat! And then, you know, the life boat gave me Miss Mayhem and sadly, I have to get off.

Miss Mayhem was dry, dull and sass-less. The characters that I fell in love with in the first book lacked life and turned into annoying characters that I did not recognize. I am actually extremely distraught by this fact. To summarize Miss Mayhem, Harper is not really David’s Paladin unless she successfully completes an ancient trial. This trial was actually Super Lame. A lot of the time, I felt like Harper was doing a whole lot of nothing. A lot of the actual trial consisted of Harper facing her fears, and honestly? The trials were boring. There is not one thing exciting about the trials that Harper face, I honestly couldn’t even tell that she was in a trial until after the fact. Seriously, they’re that boring.

David and Harper’s relationship was not the relationship that I fell in love with in Rebel Belle. They were completely unrecognizable here. There was no sass at all, and I feel like this may be because now they’re no longer mortal enemies but boyfriend and girlfriend. This saddens me because in Rebel Belle, despite the fact that they did get together somewhere towards the end, there was still the little bit of omph in their relationship, you know? Also, there weren’t a lot of boyfriend/girlfriend moments that I enjoyed either. In fact, there were very few of them, and a lot of this has to do with the little twist that I thought was seriously dumb. I mean, what? I didn’t even enjoy the relationship at all.

Speaking of relationships, the thing between Ryan and Bee? I was not into it at all. I called it way back in the beginning of the book, but I was definitely not enthused when it actually happened. I feel like it totally could’ve left a different taste in my mouth if it was handled differently, but bleh. I was not into it.

ALSO THE ENDING, WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK?! No, that was not okay. UGH. Almost as bad as Frostfire’s ending … almost.

So, yeah, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I was hoping I would. I’m really holding out for the third and final instalment because seriously, this is just not cool.