A review by supreeth
Factotum by Charles Bukowski


Chinaski has this new job, he's a bartender now. He's not all into it anyway. He can't remember the name of the woman he had sex with last night, or was it last hour? He's not sure. The bar is pretty noisy, this singer's all, work work work work. She's sort of dusky and short, wearing black lipsticks. She's wiggling and wobbling, but he's not into her.
work work work work.
'These people are assholes' he murmurs. He said me huffi, work work work work work
'These people are assholes, they're all cowards', he murmurs again. work work work work
This singer's all twerking and stuff, Chinaski loses it. He says fuck it and walks upto the crowd, 'get out of my way' he grunts, trudging through them. He climbs the stage, people cup their chins, they go all ooh and ah. work work work work, he pushes the girl aside, grabs her mic. "You're fired" the manager screams from the crowd. Chinaski just lost his 178th job.
"Fuck work" he says, dropping the mic.