A review by cierra_mccauley_cierrascorner
Duly Noted by H.M. Shander


Wow. This was definitely not what I was expecting. This was a very emotional read. Pulled a lot of different emotions from me. I loved Nate he was very sweet and patient had a strong love for Aurora. He was a Great Book Boyfriend swoon worthy! Aurora has been through so much loss and desperately needs someone, to be there through her grief and help her through coping. I don't like to read any type of cheating it really puts a ugly mark and can ruin a book for me. However, I know that not all happily ever afters come without problems. Like I said this book pulled so much emotion from me I really felt for each of the characters even Mathew. A great read! Such a strong response. This book will stay on my mind for days to come. A story of how to never take anything for-granted, for Hope and a chance at Love. I received a ARC from the author in exchange for a honest review.