A review by mohan_vee
Supergirl: Way of the World by Drew Edward Johnson, Ray Snyder, Ron Randall, Kelley Puckett


"Supergirl: Way of the World" is a quick and fairly entertaining read. Nothing really pops in this book, but it does tell a mostly coherent story as it follows Kara Zor El (Supergirl) through the stages of grief.

A pet peeve of mine about many DC books from this era is that they are pieced together in a haphazard way with issues missing in the sequence or added from other titles. This book is by no means the worst I have seen but it is clunkier and less accessible than it should be because of this sort of bad editorial decision. As such, the main driving force behind the plot is muddy and unclear sine it was introduced in an issue not included in this volume. Additionally, the narrative of the main plot arc is abruptly interrupted in the middle of the book by an issue that is only partially relevant to the rest of the story.

As for the plot itself, it is fairly straightforward and mostly does not present any surprises. The book focuses on Kara's unfulfillable promise to a dying child to save his life. The examination of her initial hubris and eventual acceptance of the inevitable is fairly predictable but also fairly unusual, since super heroes are not usually shown to fail.

All in all this is a good read that covers some tough, yet familiar territory, but unfortunately suffers from the clunkiness of bad editorial decisions.