A review by slanik
The Madness Blooms (unpublished) by Mackenzi Lee


Mackenzie Lee’s latest novel The Madness Blooms is set in 1630s Holland at the height of the tulip fever. Orphaned siblings Lena and Bas have to face the crippling debt left to them by their master in their seed shop. They come up with a con job to alleviate the debt, but at what cost? Lena falls in love, finally finds out what skin she’s most comfortable in – all to the chagrin of the small community that surrounds her. The crux of the story is whether Lena will stick to her morals (although they certainly confuse her at points) and not con Reitveld out of his money for a fake prized tulip, or will she follow through regardless of the cost.

I enjoyed reading this book, as evidenced by the fact that it only took me a day and a half to finish. I love Mackenzi Lee’s other books The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and A Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy. She does not disappoint with this novel either. What I think I love most about her books is that her main characters serve a population of my students who need to see protagonists like them. To help them navigate the difficulties of being a part of the LGBTQ+ community. Both the main characters in the Montague series are gay. This book tackles a whole other aspect head on and I think many students would appreciate it.

The writing was poetic at times with lots of similes and metaphors – many flower related. There was also some sage advice sprinkled throughout about being yourself and having courage.

There are better things to be than pretty.

With a main character struggling with identity, this quote hammers home that what’s important is on the inside and that you feel comfortable in who you are.

Overall, this is a good read. I’ll put it in my library when it’s released because I have one student in particular who would benefit from seeing the main character’s story arc.

As a disclaimer, I received this advanced reader copy through the publisher In Edelweiss+ for free. But my opinions are my own!