A review by harleyrae
Battle of the Ampere by Richard Paul Evans


Honestly I'm a little sad with how this book turned out. I loved the first one, and the second one was ok, I was hoping that the third one would redeem itself, sadly I was wrong. First off I must say that I did like this book, but I had many issues with it.

The things I didn't like:
1. How forced the dialogue between characters felt. It didn't feel natural at all, it felt awkward and forced from the very beginning.
2. How there was no character development. I feel that through each book the characters should develop more and more. Sadly it felt as if we are at a stand still and all further development has stopped.
3. The characters were not reintroduced. Now this isn't such a huge issue, but with it being awhile since I've read the first 2 I would have liked to have a brief recapped of who each character is what there powers are.
4.The story being sectioned off in parts. I wish we could have had gotten rid of the parts and had it to where each chapter would change POV if necessary.
5. How we literally had 20 pages of Hatchs POV. We barley got the villains perspective throughout the entire novel. I feel it would have been beneficial to the story to have been able to have his perspective more often. To learn what he knows.
6. We did not get the POV of any of Hatchs electric kids(the ones on his side) they were barley even mentioned. Considering this series is all about electric kids why aren't they mentioned?

The things I did like:
1.Ostin. Hes still my favorite.
2.How faced paced the book is.

I know it seems as if I didn't like this book, but I did in the end enjoy it, and plan on continuing on with the series.