A review by shannonlovesbooksandreading
Kinked by Tiffany Michelle Brown, Brantwijn Serrah, Nicole Blackwood, Mara Malins, Sara Dobie Bauer, Meredith Dark, Danielle Davis, Cori Vidae, Renee Dominick


This anthology has eight stories that are hot, sexy, and entertaining short stories that I NEED to be turned into longer novels!! So authors, could you all work on that please!?!
Everyone else hang on to your panties! If this anthology doesn’t make you a little hot and bothered, well I really don’t know what to tell you! These stories include f/f, m/f, voyeurism, and many other ideas. They all have one thing in common though, ink. Tattoos, sexy men and women with tattoos. Some are the artists creating the tattoos some are receiving them. Each story is worthy of five stars!

Begin Again by Tiffany Michelle Brown is a story about Melissa, who when she finally goes to get her first tattoo, starts having visions of the tattoo artist. A feeling of knowing him, of remembering them together. But how? They do have a very hot connection.

Inkarnate by Mara Malins is about Emily who becomes a tattoo apprentice, despite or maybe because of the fact that she doesn’t have a single tattoo anywhere on her body. Matt is one of the artists in the shop but he’s hiding something…does Emily want to know?

The Courier by Danielle Davis is a different type of story. The ink in this short story certainly has something to tell. Can there really be a happily ever after for Pier, who carries the message and Aubra, the one receiving the message?

Through Glass A Stranger is by Renee Dominick. I loved this story. We all have things we want to hide. Sometimes we just need to be seen for our true selves. This story has some voyeurism and even some exhibitionism in it.

For the Occasion by Brantwijn Serrah is about getting a tattoo for a reason. Sometimes we get them for a reward, for love, or to remember a special event. This “occasion” calls for some bondage and a little ink!

Sae-ri by Nicole Blackwood is a story I’m calling Ink Magic. Oh my. This story is about simply surrendering. As easy as that sounds, giving over all control is hard. This story definitely seems to have more to be told.

Ink and Ocean by Meredith Dark is a short story about dominant Mark and submissive Kayla. They are ex-lovers but they get back together for one wild night. But do they want more? Can they really have more?

Painted Red by Sara Dobie Bauer. This story made me laugh out loud and sigh and smile. Angie works in a sex shop. She sees and meets all kinds of people. Some she even hooks up with. Then one day Ben enters the shop. And things change. But doesn’t everyone want one night with the “tattoo freak girl”?

I said it at the beginning of this review and I’m saying it again: these stories are hot and I need more! You won’t be sorry reading this anthology. Each author had smooth writing styles that made me keep turning the page. Eight new to me authors! So many books, so little time!