A review by merlin_reads
Bid My Soul Farewell by Beth Revis


 I'm not going to lie, I was surprised as hell by how much I loved Give the Dark My Love. So needless to say, I could not wait to get my hands on the sequel. And I finally did!!

There will probably be spoilers of the first book, so be warned if you haven't read it. Nedra is still reeling from the loss of her family and can only find comfort among her dead. Meanwhile, Grey is working under the Emperor to make Lunar Island a better place and to also keep his eye away from Nedra. But what seems like a cut and dry mission turns into a betrayal of the highest degree.

I will say I did like the first one better but only by a smidge. Mostly I disagreed with the ending. I felt it a little too happy for the scenario presented but I can see why Revis ended it the way she did. And man, this duology was a rollercoaster. There were moments in this book where both characters showed extreme vulnerability in light of the events surrounding them. I loved these glimpses into both Nedra and Grey. It reminds the readers of what this book series is about - what would you do for love?

There were a lot of ups and downs in this one. But I enjoyed the way the author portrayed Nedra's seduction to the darkness. The sway of power is something that's hard for anyone to ignore, but when the darkness promises relief and saving loved ones, it's not hard to see why Nedra is tempted. Her pain is so loud and Grey is the only one who hears her. But Nedra doesn't trust herself so she doesn't trust anyone else. I loved watching Grey try to get through to her and the inner battle that Nedra suffered. Just a great duology and I'm so happy to have read it!