A review by reader22554
Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner


I wanted to like this book. I felt like I *should* like this book. Listening to it on Audible should have made it richer. Instead, I found it rather tedious.
The protagonist is writing the biography of his grandmother, who was an artist and a Western pioneer (not by choice but by following her engineer/prospector husband). The book is about a third the grandmother's letters, a third the protagonist's imagining his grandparents' conversations and lives, and a third his own struggles with age and disability. If you like lots of lush descriptions of landscape, you will enjoy the detailed word pictures of a variety of settings (upstate NY, Colo., California, Mexico....) After all, we are seeing a lot of it through the eyes of an artist, who is also a writer, though she doesn't think of herself as one.
If the book were a third shorter, or if I had lived in the places she describes, I'd have liked it more, I think.
*Listened to this book on Audible. 22 hours.