A review by ggcurves
The God Butcher by


This Thor comic blew me away.

Honestly I'm not a huge fan of the Avengers as everyone else kinda seems to be. I did not care for the Thor movie at all.

BUT this comic is amazing. You don't need any prior knowledge of Thor you can go in and read the comic and not be completely confused by anything.

Like I really wish the Thor movie could have be based off of this comic book.

What really makes Thor a great comic is the villain The God Butcher he really steals the show. Because in my mind I feel people don't know what to do with Thor because he is so over-powered.

So the story is that a shadowing figure named The God Butcher has been killing the gods and Thor has to find him and fight him.

That's the basic description but it has time travel and it's so cool how they do it. There are three Thors the young Thor, Avengers Thor, and old Thor and how they deal with The God Butcher.

The art is beautiful I really like the colors and it's very subtle not in your face kind of art.

But Jason Aaron is amazing and I'm going to try check out everything he has written.