A review by mackle13
American Vampire, Volume 3 by Scott Snyder


This volume has three stories in it: Strange Frontier, Ghost War and Survival of the Fittest.

Strange Frontier is a shorty, in which we see Skinner Sweet seeing a Wild, West West show and sort of taking some people to task for betraying that lost world. I really liked this little vignette.

Both of the other two stories are set in the 40s, during WWII, and both introduce us to new type of vampires.

The first follows Skinner, Pearl and Henry going to a small island, Taipan, near Japan, with a nest of feral vampires. I liked the first story a lot, and easily give it 4 stars. I think it's been a pretty regular thing, for this series, that I just prefer the stories with Skinner in it than those without. He's an awesome character, and the interplay between him and Pearl, especially, is interesting to watch, as Pearl is torn between her two worlds.

The second story follows Cash and Felicia Book in Romania, infiltrating a Nazi research base to look for a vampire cure. While Nazi Vampires are pretty cool, I think I'm sort of just burned out in Nazis in general. Also, the most interesting part of this story was the ancient, progenitor type vampires they discovered because the Carpathian ones are a little familiar at this point. (And the progenitor ones are awesome.)

I've never developed the same attachment to Book as I have to Skinner and Pearl, and this story seemed a little more average, overall. I give this one 3 stars.

Both stories, however, leave interesting openings for future installments, and I remain curious to see how things develop. I look forward to the next in the series.