A review by taylakaye
The Ways of the Dead by Neely Tucker


First, full disclosure - I know Neely professionally (and on social media) and am a fan of his. Both on a basic human "he's a nice guy" level and of his work for the Post.
That said, I'd love this book even if I'd never heard of the guy. It's a tightly paced, smart mystery that provides insight into two worlds I know well enough to care if they'd been misrepresented: D.C. and journalism.
Tucker nails both - his protagonist, Sully Carter is a reporter who is good at his job to the point it's taking over his life. He's dedicated, smart and doesn't mess around. He also drinks, a lot.
The D.C. of the turn of the century is rendered perfectly and remains relevant and pitch perfect today.
Highly recommend to fans of Tana French.