A review by literary__escapism
The Mystery of Hunter's Lodge: A Short Story by Agatha Christie


Hercule Poirot is recovering from influenza when a murder pops up. Poirot is unable to travel so he sends Captain Hastings to investigate. Hastings arrives at the scene of the crime and discovers that Inspector Japp is also investigating. Japp is surprised to see Hastings without the "little man" but together they investigate.

I like that this one involved murder since the last few short stories were mysteries without a dead body, and I find her murder mysteries more interesting. this murder was another that showed Poirot's great skill. He sends Hastings off to investigate and Poirot asks a few questions from his house and solves the crime!! Poirot really is the number one detective.

Another fun short story narrated by Hugh Fraser and David Suchet and I'm looking forward to the next mystery.