A review by islandgeekgirl
Lucky Few by Kathryn Ormsbee


This book ended up being a lot of fun to read. It had so many quirky characters, a lot of fun interactions between said quirky characters, so much humour, and everything kept me turning the pages and interested until I finished the whole book.

My favourite thing about the book was the friendship between Sanger and Stevie. It was just so much fun to read. These were two girls who would have each other's backs no matter what. There was no way anything would come between them. These were friends who would fight but there was always the feeling that they would make up in time. They supported each other even if they didn't agree or believe in the same ideals. It was just great.

The death list idea was really cool to read. A little strange, but cool. It lead to so many laugh out loud moments throughout the book. I love the developing friendship between Sanger, Stevie, and Max, and eventually the relationship between Stevie and Max. it added to the group without taking anything away from Sanger and Stevie's friendship. The female friendship became no less important just because a guy entered the picture. I loved that.

I really enjoyed Stevie's voice and personality. She was a little naive in some areas but she stood up for what she believed in, and she did it fiercely. She was smart and snarky. I liked that she had diabetes and it was mentioned often, and she didn't always take the best care of herself, but it wasn't about her trying to accept a new diagnosis or trying to ignore it. She was a girl who had diabetes and she lived with it.

The book was about the three friends and their quest to complete Max's death list but it was also about acceptance, growing up, and not judging or categorizing people based on one or two things you might know about them. It made me laugh and tear up a few times but it also made me think. I liked a book that can do that.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.