A review by mehsi
Never Say Die: Stories of The Zombie Apocalypse by Stevie Kopas, Meghan Shena Hyden


So I found out about this book through my new friend on Goodreads: Ash †Reviews of a FearStreetZombie†! I just had to read it when I found out. Zombies are one of my favourite horror creatures.

So what follows here is first the status update, and then in bold some added comments to that.

Jack: 2 stars. Sorry, but this was just sick. Especially the last part was just too disturbing. She had nothing to do with it, why did she have to, urgh, never mind. :| I could understand why Jack did what he did, but really? He knew what would happen. :( I am not sure what I would have done if I was in his shoes, it is a difficult decision, but I am sure his sister wouldn't have wanted this either.
Still definitely agreeing with myself. Yes, I am not sure what I would have done, but to endanger not only yourself but also your wife? No. If I didn't have any connections to anyone I would have done what our MC did, but I wouldn't have done it if I had a life. If I knew the consequences to those around me.
On another note, I did like how this one took place a few years after the zombie apocalypse. There were still zombies, there was still fear, but it seemed to go a little bit better with the world. Often books just pick the outbreak, so I am delighted with any changes to that.
Lastly, who the hell would do that to a human? That is just sick and disturbing.

Gordon & Elena: 5 stars. *cries*That was just, sorry, that was just a emotional story. So so sad. :( The author does something that I haven't seen happening a lot. I won't spoil the ending, just will say that it was heartbreaking, and I didn't expect it. I loved how the story unfolded as well. Starting with an average day, though deaths are happening, to children coming back to life, and eating everything. o.0
I was worried about this one at first. I thought these 2 would either continue fighting all the time, or that one of them would die and the other would *insert any kind of emotion*. Luckily, it turned into something totally different, something really different. I was delighted with how they could set aside their differences.

Patient 63: 5 stars. Oh my goodness this one was terrific! I loved it through and through, though I definitely didn't see that ending coming, but I have to say it was quite a wonderful ending (though OK, maybe not so wonderful for everyone).
This was definitely a heartbreaking story, with a twist ending that I didn't see coming. I felt oh so sorry for Patient 63 (I will call her that as what happens later is a bit of a spoiler). Sorry that she was revived, and then used for experiments. Having no life of her own, no hope that she might get out.
I was a bit worried about the romance, but in the end I was definitely delighted with it. She deserves happiness.

Rosie: 4 stars. It did get a bit annoying. It was an interesting thing to have a six year old tell the story of the outbreak, and see how it was from her POV, but she was so frustratingly annoying at times. The ending was also a bit confusing.
Yep, I still think it was pretty great that they had the POV be from a child. It was quite interesting to see what she thought and how she acted and reacted. Though I did wish Rosie had gotten a bit smarter. She must have noticed that it wasn't normal for her not to get x and y by zombies. She must have seen it was dangerous to just go outside.
The ending to this story was weird and confusing. I am not entirely sure what was going on with that Doctor.

Trevor: I am in conflict between a 1 and a 2 star. It was quite fun that our MC was that, but what he did in this one and how suicide and all that was handled? Nah. :|
Yep, still my least favourite story, and I have decided on a 1.5 stars in the end. Yes, I did like what the MC was, not really a spoiler as you know it from the start, I mean, duh, of course it should be that. I was quite disgusted with what he did though. :| I know they did you wrong, but to do this? No. Just no. That is never a good thing.

All in all though, I really liked this book, and I hope that the author will write more books like this. I could use some more of these short stories taking place from various times in a zombie apocalypse.

I would recommend this one to everyone!

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com