A review by triciaschneider
Apocalypse, Book 1: Hostile Ground by Sally Malcolm, Laura Harper


I loved this book! From the very first page, it pulled me in with the intense action and the well-written dynamic between the main characters. I've read books written by authors about favorite TV shows before and there are times when I question if the author has ever actually watched the show. Not with this book! This story seems written by an author who is clearly a fan of the show. The way the story and plot were set up, the action and the dialogue, the characters and setting, it was all true to the Stargate SG-1 world and characters. I could clearly see this story unfold as an episode in my mind.

I really enjoyed how well the story was written. The action never stopped, even during the moments when the characters weren't being chased or fighting for their lives, there was still the overall suspense of what happens next that kept me glued to the book and turning the pages. I loved getting in the heads of the characters, seeing their thoughts and emotions, hearing their voices, watching them struggle. And it was scary! The creatures the team were up against were nightmarish!

The twists and turns of the plot were amazing. Being a fan of the show, I questioned a few things as I began to see a distinct difference between the show and the way the book unfolded. And while I questioned the change in events, I kept going wondering how the author was going to pull this off. I'm so glad I did! I did not expect that ending and it was thrilling! Now, I can't wait to read the next book in the series!

Normally, I don't read reviews for the books that I want to read because of possible spoilers. I don't like giving spoilers away myself, but I was glad that I got a glimpse of one review stating that this book ends with a cliffhanger. It does! And while I normally don't enjoy cliffhanger endings, knowing that this book has a sequel, I didn't mind so much. It just means the story isn't over and I can't wait to read more!