A review by beeboisourgod
An Ice Cold Grave by Charlaine Harris


This was another buddy read with the lovely Summer (speaking_bookish), and I want to give this two/two and a half stars because of one specific detail I can't get over no matter how hard I try, but the mystery was just too good to warrant anything less than a solid three stars, so I grudgingly grant it that respect.

In fact, this book probably had the best mystery of the series so far, constantly and consistently keeping me in suspense. I mean, in these books/types of books, they always say everyone's a suspect, but rarely is that really the case. However, in An Ice Cold Grave, literally everyone was a suspect, I didn't trust a single one of these people and they were all cast in a suitably large net of suspicion that even if I started suspecting one person more than another, I still was never entirely sure and was jumping at each new turn, latching onto each new red herring. I found the mystery in the first two books pretty obvious, but this one was handled splendidly. You'd think I was doing ballet for how much it kept me on my toes.

So why the grudge when giving it the three stars, you ask? Well, I-I honestly can't say I didn't see it coming, anyone with eyes could see it coming from miles away, but one can still hold onto the blissful naive hope it won't happen... but it happened, and it happened so painfully awkwardly I had to look away. What happened? Well, dear reader, the most minor of spoilers but: Harper and Tolliver, who have been introduced as step siblings from the start, who have shared biological siblings, who have referred to each other as siblings in public and private time and time again, and yet who have had the weirdest, most uncomfortable and un-sibling like sexually tense bond from the start of the series... they hooked up, much to my chagrin. Now, I've tried to make my peace with this fact seeing as they're not biologically related and their parents married when they were already teenagers, but it's still weird, okay, really weird, and so is the fact they have to keep reminding each other and themselves they're not really siblings, like at that point it honestly kind of sounds like you are, (if they hadn't constantly played up the sibling angle, maybe it'd be less weird), but I have yelled enough about that particular aspect of this series, that's not even what I'm here to complain about this time, I've moved on. What I'm here to complain about is the fact that when they did hook up, even if they weren't step siblings, that was one of the most painfully cringeworthy sex scenes I have ever had the displeasure of reading in my entire life. Phallus??? Phallus, Charlaine?? What?? Harper's internal monologue during it felt horribly stilted and unusual, almost like a clinical description, like... phallus, really? Then nonsensical at times. HBO? I would almost rather she be horribly blatant. Like okay, I know I don't like reading sex scenes in general, but I have read semi-decent enough ones I can gloss over without a thought, and that one was not it, step sibling or not. A lot of the sex scenes Charlaine writes have a tendency toward the awkward I find, not just in this series. And then the conversation afterwards, have I used the word awkward enough yet?

But moving on! Because I can and will rant about how bad that was forever.

Some more random things I did like:
-Seeing more of Manfred and his grandmother, though Charlaine Harris seems to flip-flop his personality and dialogue traits at will, I still think he's an interesting character.
-The serial killer aspect, definitely makes for a little more of a kick/thrill to figure out the endgame, very good use of Harper's gift
-The small little cameo of someone else with a gift like Harper's
-The atmosphere and creep factor was spot on

There's a couple other things but they're spoiler-y.

Some more random things I didn't like:
-Some strange uses of phrases that just feel out of place, along with odd dialogue quirks like omitted words that jar you out of the text at times. Also odd out of place dialogue in general.
-Some questionable cognitive functioning and conclusions on Harper's part
-Women still falling all over Tolliver when nothing he says/does or is described to be like sounds attractive
-The fact that Charlaine Harris feels the need to keep reminding me Tolliver has a moustache
-Massive cast so I kept forgetting names, but that's a me problem

Anyway, I am a veritable Grinch and Scrooge when it comes to my reviews, but I did enjoy trying to solve this one. Ignoring the awkward relationship and even more awkward romance, it's got a well written plot and interesting angles to explore. I am still intrigued to know what became of Harper's sister in the next book, and I had a good time with this buddy read. So, until next time. I better cut myself off here or I will end up ranting more about how badly that scene was written for hours.