A review by bookapotamus
The Subway Girl by Lisa Becker


Have you ever taken the NYC subway before? ⁣

If you have, you know that every time you take the train, you leave with a story. A funny character with an eye catching outfit, a weird unexpected musical or dance performance, someone trying to wrestle a 10 foot ficus tree on board… there is always something going on down there!⁣

My favorite stories of the subway are those of missed connections. The ones about making eye contact, or a connection with an attractive stranger, but don’t have the nerve to say hi, and regret it days later. But how do you FIND that someone? ⁣

The Subway Girl is THAT story. A contemporary romance I FLEW through, eagerly anticipating love and a twist of fate for both of our main characters, in hopes in finding that girl from the subway, and a happy ever after ending for everyone involved (OK maybe not everyone...