A review by popthebutterfly
The Challenger: Contender Book 2 by Taran Matharu


Disclaimer: I received this e-arc from netgalley. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: The Challenger

Author: Taran Matharu

Book Series: Contender book 2

Diversity: Middle Eastern main character and deaf/hard of hearing side character

Rating: 5/5

Recommended For...: Adventure, male lead, History facts

Publication Date: August 11, 2020

Publisher: Feiwel & Friends

Pages: 400

Recommended Age: 16+ (slavery tw, death, violence, gore)

Synopsis: Cade Carter and his friends have survived the qualifying round of the mysterious overlords' twisted games, decimated by the loss of so many of their comrades during the fight. But they have no time to mourn, for the next round of trials is about to begin.

When the group discovers that their next foe will be even more ferocious than the last, Cade leads them on a quest out into their strange new world to find anything that might give them an edge. But what they find in the wilds could prove to be even more dangerous than the impending battle...

Review: For the most part I thought this was a well done book! I loved the concept and the plot kept me intrigued throughout the whole book. The world building was marvelous and I felt that the action scenes were well scripted. Overall, I loved this sequel.

However, I don't think the author did as well for character development as he did in the first book. The book also had a little less history than the first book.

Verdict: Solid sequel.