A review by absoluteshannonigans
The Mermaid's Mirror by L.K. Madigan


[This review contains mild spoilers.]

Quick Overview:

Lena, short for Selena, is about to turn 16 years old, begins to inexplicably wake up on the beach and looking for something she can't remember. One day she sees a mermaid and her search becomes more urgent.


This was a nice, light read. The first half tends to drag. There is a lot of focus on Lena's day to day life and certain things are revealed too early. However, Lena's quest remains compelling throughout. The second half picks up a lot and the world created is interesting. I wish there had been more time spent there. The ending is not what I would have expected, but in a good way.

Perfect for when you want a light read with a little magic.

Review also at herfreereads.wordpress.com