A review by heabooknerd
Soul Eater by Lily Mayne


I don't know why I waited so long to read SOUL EATER because I loved it and now I'm kicking myself for waiting. I'm a sucker for a post-apocalyptic romance and this one goes the extra mile by throwing in a bunch of monsters! The world building isn't super deep but there's plenty to set the landscape of the world and how it got to that point. We also see a variety of monsters and that makes me excited for future books in the series.

But what makes this so good is Danny and Wyn the Soul Eater, who were both fantastic characters. The book is told completely from Danny's POV and I enjoyed him as a narrator; he's compassionate and sensitive, but also determined and courageous. He joined the military because he had nowhere else to go after his mom died but he's been struggling with the brutal military lifestyle. I loved watching Danny go from being terrified of Wyn to understanding the truth behind Wyn's purpose, to eventually falling in love. Danny truly saw Wyn for who he was and not just the scary monster that humans believed him to be. Of course, that doesn't mean Wyn isn't a total badass and I loved how completely feral he would get anytime Danny was in danger. Wyn was protective, a touch brooding, and incredibly loyal and I just loved seeing these two together.

While Danny is nervous around Wyn at first, it doesn't take too long for things to heat up between them and the heat stays turned up to max throughout the book! Wyn is pretty similar to a human physically, especially compared to some of the other monsters they encounter, but he has a few surprises for Danny. Together, these two were sexy, sweet, and caring and I can't wait to read more in this series.

Content Warning: torture and branding; nightmares and panic attacks

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Favorite Quotes:

“You were the first human to treat me with something other than contempt or disgust.” My breath caught in my chest, and I went still as Wyn spoke. “I decided to give you a chance at survival.”

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“You’re in my blood now, Danny Sullihan. I’ll always be able to find you.”

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“You’re all I want, Wyn. You and me.” I swallowed, glad he couldn’t look at me while I said this. “My whole life has felt like I was just kind of drifting. No purpose. No aim. But now… This feels like where I’m meant to be. This feels right.”

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“I’ve wanted you from the beginning, my sweet human,” he rasped, his distorted voice so very inhuman and so achingly familiar to me now. “And I will want you until the end.”