A review by gemmalaszlo
Gentle Hearts by Deborah Wood


This was an average historical romance. Not bad, but not outstanding.

I felt that the historical aspect was well done, and the plot wasn't bad, but I never really felt like there was much emotional depth to the novel. The characters were a bit flat. I didn't feel like I knew them beyond their surface descriptions. I didn't really care about what happened to them. They weren't bad characters, they just didn't leap into my heart the way characters should. They were just there.

There was a lot of time given to descriptions of daily life on a ranch, but not much to the emotional aspect so crucial to a good romance novel. This book was written in a lot of little sections, and a scene always seemed to end just when things were about to get interesting. For instance, the hero's sister-in-law comes to see his late wife's grave. She meets the heroine, states her purpose in coming, and then the scene is over. When the book continues, it's two days later, and the reader is hearing about what the hero is doing. Well, okay, but what was the heroine reaction to the sister-in-law. Do they get along right away? Do they fight? Is there any conflict? It's conflict that makes a story interesting, yet the author always shied away from actually writing any. It was very irritating.

I also never really felt much chemistry between the hero and heroine. There was no sense of destiny or rightness, as if they were meant for one another. It felt like they came together more out of being thrown together by circumstance than because they were good for each other. That special spark that makes romance so wonderful to read just wasn't there.

This wasn't a bad book, but it's just not one that's going to linger with me for a long time.