A review by billymac1962
Blackout by Tim Curran


Tim Curran and I may have been separated at birth given the similarities between us.
For one, we were both horror comic junkies when we were kids.
Check out his bio. The comic books here could easily have been found on my closet floor when I was 12:
Tim Curran

For another, in this novel, he describes a warm, dry gust of heat to what he experienced during a KISS concert when he was 13. KISS was my first concert, back in 1977 when I was 15, and I've told countless people about that show and how you could feel the heat coming off the fireballs that bloomed up from the corners of the stage.

Yeah, there's a kinship here. So Tim has become one of my can't miss guys when it comes to the type of crazy horror that makes you feel like a kid under the bed covers digging those scary comic books.

Blackout was an impulse add to my to-read list when I realized he wasn't there and I was really in the mood for some good terror this long weekend. And once again, Curran delivers.

The story is akin to King's The Mist, a bit, in that something out there is grabbing people out of the darkness. Curran has a gift of pulling you through a story very fast, and yet with efficient descriptive prose, gives you the exact feeling and visual of setting.

This is an unnerving read, and he pulls out all the horror stops. I loved it.

This isn't high brow literature or something so special that would warrant 5 stars from most reviewers, but listen: I've read a lot of horror. It takes a lot to unnerve me, but Curran seems to do it time and again. For anyone to do that to a former horror comic junkie like me, that's saying something. I guess he just hits the right buttons for me.

This is exactly what I needed this weekend and it only took me about a day to read. Tim, you made me feel like the kid I miss being. Thank you sir, and here are five stars again for you!