A review by naomilane
Rock Chick Reckoning by Kristen Ashley


You know what? I didn’t even think I was going to give 3 stars to this book but then I read the ending (the last 15%) and I changed my mind. Rock Chick Reckoning was good, the writing is freaking fabulous, as usual, the story is solid and neat, but as always the characters are just not doing it for me.

I love the Hot Bunch, I love the Rock Chicks just not for the first 60% of the books. I’ve just realized that actually. I always like the male MC but I always have some trouble with the female MC for the first 60%. Read my other reviews, you’ll see.

Stella pissed me off. She was selfish, bitchy and at times, like every Rock Chicks, she was slutty. It’s like a freaking Rock Chick pattern. But really though, I think Stella was the worst. I understand where she comes from, Mace broke her heart and I completely get some of her reactions but what I didn’t like (and this goes for the other girls too) was the fact that she fought and fought and fought Mace, again and again and again. I mean, I’m sorry but at some point you have to stop and open your eyes. As I mentioned before, I found Stella selfish. Like a real Rock Chick, she thought of herself first before thinking of Mace. She played the victim the entire time when she knew that she had her wrongs too. I hated the way she was with her band, she was protecting them all the time when they would have needed a good kick in the ass. She was also bitchy, always trying to be right, sometimes mean with Mace, childish and like I said, slutty. This is personal for me but I hate what KA does in those books. Always putting another man. I mentioned it before in my other reviews but once again, in this book there was another man, Eric, who was very interested in Stella and she was too (in a way). And yes, I know, nothing happened, but still this bothered me. Reading the exact same scenario with every book is a bit too much. Stella could also be stupid, like a true Rock Chick. She made some decisions who were so stupid it hurt to read.

Now you’re gonna think: “obviously, she didn’t like the heroine, so why did she gave such a so good rating?” RIGHT?! Let me explain it to you, my friends.

First of all: Mace. He was not perfect, he fucked up but he admitted it. Mace has demons, big dark ones but he was a good guy. He wasn’t bitchy, he wasn’t stupid, he wasn’t selfish, he wasn’t slutty. He was kinda purfect, like every other guy from the Hot Bunch. I don’t know how he put up with Stella but he did. Once again, I’d like to congratulate the Hot Bunch guys for being so mentally strong. In all seriousness, Mace was maybe not perfect but he was sincere and he never pissed me off. His past is truly tragic and it really damaged him. It was beautiful to see him, with Stella’s help, getting rid of his demons.

Second of all: the plot. It was a good plot. I liked it because it wasn’t centered only on Stella but on every Rock Chicks. Some bad guy wanted revenge against the Hot Bunch so he went after the girls. It was interesting and I loved having different POVs. This was new! It actually gave us some closure for certain characters and it was just nice to read more about them all.

Third: the secondary characters. Tex for example. God, I love him. He is so damn funny and caring. I literally burst out laughing when he blew the house down. This scene was simply hilarious. I love the Hot Bunch in general, all these guys are awesome, I fell in love with all of them in their own book and I cannot wait to read Hector’s story now.

Surprisingly, Jane. Yes, the timid, nonexistent librarian. I mean, we barely know anything about her but her chapter at the end was just perfect. It was so surprising and, well, I cried because it felt like an end (I know there are two more books but still) and it was beautiful. I love the Rock Chicks too, not gonna lie but… not all the time. They can be super intrusive and bitchy. Not all of them, agreed, but in general. I just hate when they get in each others’ business. Like when Jet absolutely wanted to tell Mace’s past to Stella when she didn’t know the real situation and all, this pissed me off. It’s always like that, there are situations when the Rock Chicks absolutely want to know everything and ugh, I find this terribly annoying.

The epilogue was awesome but it made me cry and made my heart stop beating. I know it was supposed to make me feel all happy and stuff and it did, it was beautiful and really cool but like with Jane’s chapter it made me realize that this series with these characters has an end. I know I don’t always love the books but still, I’m really attached to all of them and reading this epilogue was just sad… Because I know how it all ends for them and, yes, it is heartwarming and happy but for me it’s just sad and just thinking about it makes me wanna cry.

Let’s get back to Stella a bit. Like I said, I didn’t like her for the most part but the last 40% of the book she finally opened her eyes and stopped being selfish, bitchy, slutty and all. She actually became the opposite. And that’s why I rated Rock Chick Reckoning so well, in addition to what I just said, Stella made up for the first 60% and it was great.

The romance, was, as always with KA, perfect, beautiful, steamy… She just knows. She knows how to make the perfect couple, what to say, what to do, I don’t know, Kristen is just magic. I loved Stella and Mace together, I loved the fact, that for once, they both told the “L” word.

One thing I really liked too was the music. Stella is the lead singer and lead guitarist of the Blue Moon Gypsies and in the beginning of the book, Kristen tells us 4 songs to listen to while reading certain scenes. This made me cry. Because the songs were perfect for the scenes and because music in a book is always good.
It was a beautiful, heartbreaking and heartwarming story, (I will NOT think about the epilogue or Jane) and … Hector, I’m coming for ya!

Be ready and… ROCK ON!