A review by yodamom
Iron and Magic by Ilona Andrews


Iron and Magic, filled with some of my favorite things. Snark, sparks, witty comebacks, testy relationships, challenging characters, magic, fantastic beasties and romance.  

Finally Hugh got his own book. Yes the dude who was treated so badly by his father figure and his semi sibling while being one super nasty dark dastardly villain. You know in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews ? Yes that Hugh. Hugh is so cold he's hot. Yup ladies he's one of those boys you hate to love and can't stop yourself from drooling too. Please if you haven't read the Daniels series do before you start this, you need to know this man before.

Hugh has been through so serious battles, hard core childhood, and lived a one dimensional focused unemotional life. War, war war, fight, fight ,fight, blood, blood, blood, it was his thing till he was booted out of the dread kids club. He took his most loyal warriors The black Dogs and they hit the road trying to.... well staying alive would be nice. You see more than one person wanted them dead or worse. On this path they stumble upon a castle filled with people who are in danger of __________ .  This castle has a harpy and she loathes this man. Let the fun begin !

Elara, the harpy. she is something. Snarktastic ! Her lines are some of the funniest I think I might have gotten the Guinness record for highlighting.  Strong, yes she is and she struggles not to to fall for the bad guy.  I loved her while she felt unwanted feelings she never wavered who she was to fit a mold.

Bucky, he won my heart more than any character. He's a stud, a big hot blooded stud with such and attitude ! When he pranced after a nasty bit I burst out laughing.

I'm not going to tell you anymore, no spoilers. This is going to be another fantastic series from these wonderfully creative authors.  Thank you NetGalley and NYLA Publishers for the chance to review it.