A review by meganyntan
Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney


i had high hopes for this book since i liked [b:Conversations with Friends|32187419|Conversations with Friends|Sally Rooney|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1500031338l/32187419._SY75_.jpg|52827120] and was okay with [b:Normal People|41057294|Normal People|Sally Rooney|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1571423190l/41057294._SY75_.jpg|59141209] (which seems to be an overall unpopular opinion lol)

what i liked
- sally rooney's writing definitely matured since her previous two books which i can appreciate
- the attempt at exploring sex, friendship, romantic relationships, and familial relationships (key word: attempt)

what i disliked:
- the characters were trite, vapid, unlikable, and unrelatable. idk if i'm just a different person now because i know people had this issue w/ conversations with friends but it was just so jarring in this book
- while there was an attempt at exploring different relationships, i felt like it was done in a way that lacked any depth whatsoever. the relationships/friendships between all the characters were so damn shallow and i couldn't bring myself to care
- i feel like sally tried to write herself into alice and there was such a "woe is me i'm a millionaire author but my life sucks because i'm Flawed" and it was just so pretentious lol
- i'm usually okay with plotless books if they have other merits but this was not it

i kept reading bc i was waiting for this book to redeem itself somehow but fuck me i guess