A review by beastreader
Maybe This Time by Jennifer Crusie


Andie Miller has found a new man. She is going to get re-married. First she needs to have one last talk with her ex-husband, North Archer. North asks Andie to do him one last favor and then he will be out of her life forever. A very distinct cousin has left North guardian of two young children. The children’s parents and grand mother are all decreased. North is too busy and knows nothing about children. If Andie will go down and look after the children for a bit, just until North can find a permanent arrangement, he will pay her ten thousand dollars a month. Andie does not want to do anything for her ex but she sure could use the money. Andie agrees. There is one more catch…the house is said to be haunted. Three other nannies have already quit.

When Andie arrives at the house, she receives a cold welcome form the housekeeper, Mrs. Danvers. Carter and Alice are odd children but nothing that Andie can’t handle.

North’s brother, Sullivan wants to check out the house and see if it is really haunted. He is taking Kelly O’Keefe from Channel Twelve along. North ends up going to the house to check up on things, especially Andie. Is the house really haunted? Also, is a second chance in the air for Andie and North?

Maybe This Time is the first book in a long while that author, Jennifer Cruise hasn’t co-written. I like Ms. Cruise’s books. They are guaranteed to make me laugh. Maybe This Time is more on the paranormal side then the contemporary side. It took me a while to warm up to Andie. I found her to be a bit of a wallflower and I wanted her to have more assertiveness, which she did but it was slow to appear. I never fully found myself falling for North. He was rude and I didn’t care for him. So, it was hard for me to believe that Andie and North were in love. The children kept things interesting. Overall, I did like this book. Maybe This Time is sure to have you losing track of time reading this book.