A review by angorarabbit
The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood


TW: Realistic dystopia. Many deaths, some by violence with brief descriptions of the aftermath. Death by violence of children. SA, again not too much detail. Sex work is sometimes described in neural or positive terms. SA against minors. Religious indoctrination of vulnerable people. Law enforcement is described negatively. I did not have to skim any chapters myself.

I am in awe of Ms. Atwood's ability to take in modern trends into logical endpoints. Her detailed descriptions of cults is amazing. Even to the hiding of forbidden items for use by the elite and the overlooking of sins by the elite all the while having heated debates regarding of Adam and Eve's teeth.

It goes without saying that her world building is superb. Characters are 3 dimensional, with flaws and likeable traits. (There are a few who have nothing human in them anymore, but most "bad" people have some good in them.) The plot flows effortlessly and I was wanting to know what happens next.

I read [b:MaddAddam|17262203|MaddAddam (MaddAddam, #3)|Margaret Atwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1366394020l/17262203._SX50_.jpg|17613051] years ago and loved the humour of that book. This book is darke and deeperr. The Crackers (whom I loved) are only seen briefly at the end of the book. I need to read [b:Oryx and Crake|46756|Oryx and Crake (MaddAddam, #1)|Margaret Atwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1668379066l/46756._SY75_.jpg|3143431] soon so I can maybe understand wtf happened to Jimmy and Glenn. And then reread [b:MaddAddam|17262203|MaddAddam (MaddAddam, #3)|Margaret Atwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1366394020l/17262203._SX50_.jpg|17613051].

Why is it easier to write reviews of the bad books? Anyway, read this book. Think about what we are doing as a species. We have the opportunity that no other lifeforms on this planet has: to change our futures.