A review by cemsreadingcorner
Adulting by Liz Talley


What can I say? I’m going to miss reading about Chase and Olivia and all the wonderful people in their life. The only thing I didn’t like was when Zeke pushed Chase away. He should not have done that. I understand why he did it, but it hurt Chase very much. It was hard to Chase go through that. Other than that, no complaints about the book. What I loved most about it was the fact that the characters learned a lot from each other. They’ve changed and become better people. I love that. I wish to read more stories like this, where the main characters go through something that’s difficult and then they learn and they grow and then become better people because of it. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading fiction novels that are really a coming-of-age sort of story. I love stories like that! Well, Happy Reading!!