A review by adeleon
Saving Chupie by Amparo Ortiz, Ronnie Garcia


*Thanks to NetGalley for a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review*

Follow Violeta and her friends as they find, befriend, and rescue a baby Chupacabra.

I loved the originality of this story, and the themes of family, friendships, and personal growth. The way the author portrays adults undermining kids abilities was so well done. And I LOVED all the Spanish that was seamlessly interwoven with English dialogue. Spanglish isn't seen often in books (at least not what I've read) and it was really well done.

I felt like some of the dialogue in the story was a bit out of place that would take me out of the adventure. Or that some scenes were glossed over and would've been nice to expand on. But overall it was a really sweet book, and I know kids will love it.